Get the best price per M2 with our Sandwich Panels
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MetMad Sandwich Panel – Metal/Wood

Sandwich Panel - Metal / Natural Wood

This panel contains real fir wood so it offers warmth in the environments, and can give the style we want with our range of varnishes (if you want another color consult) is certified for wineries and food.

The most economical, innovative and simple system for the complete execution of your roofs and decks, with an interior finish of the building in high quality woods that provide comfort, beauty and excellent acoustic performance, PIR insulating core with fire rating E, and a final exterior finish in resistant steel sheets lacquered in different colors, totally watertight and waterproof, all converted into a single element ready for use.

Cubierta montada con panel sandwich teja
Cubierta montada con panel sandwich teja

Sandwich Panel Installation and Demolishing

We assemble sandwich panels thanks to our own team specialized in roof assembly. We take care of the necessary measurements, material supply, transport and lifting methods. Leave everything in our hands for the renovation or new construction of our sandwich panels. If you need asbestos removal, we have equipment, EPIS and personnel prepared to perform it, all in compliance with current regulations.

Our technical office reviews all the products and materials necessary for the installation of panels, trims and fasteners. We offer our customers new and second-hand panels as well as second-hand panels at the best prices on the market. The advantages of the polyurethane sandwich panel are that it is lightweight, ideal for enclosing roofs or facades and is highly insulating.