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How thick should the sandwich panels be?

Sandwich panels for walls and roofs differ not only in the type of filler, but also in thickness. Panels ranging in thickness from 40 to 200 mm are available for sale. The greater the thickness, the greater the resistance to heat transfer (i.e., the worse the material conducts heat, the better the insulation).

The thickness of the panel is determined by the volume of the filler used (polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, mineral wool or polyisocyanurate). The price of the material depends directly on this. Therefore, when choosing sandwich panels always compare the cost and thermal insulation properties.

In order for sandwich panels to reliably protect against the cold, they must be of sufficient thickness. At the same time, it is not advisable to overpay for an excessive amount of insulation. Therefore, it is always necessary to know the insulation requirements of a particular object under certain conditions. And these requirements may vary.
Thickness of sandwich panels for different regions

When determining the thickness of sandwich panels, the following should be taken into account:

Type of room (what temperature should be maintained in it).
Region and climatic peculiarities (duration and severity of winter).

Conditionally, three types of premises are distinguished: with a maintained temperature of +18 C, +16 C and +12 C. Obviously, for the first type thicker panels are selected, and for the third it is acceptable to use lighter and cheaper panels.

In terms of region and climate, there is a conditional breakdown by zone. Generally, builders working in one region or another are well aware of the local peculiarities and requirements in terms of insulation.

How thick should the sandwich panels be?

For example, in colder areas it is characterized by a longer winter season, with lower temperatures than the minimum. Therefore, to maintain a temperature of +18 C in the room here, sandwich panels with a thickness of 100 mm (walls) and 150 mm (ceiling) are required.

In the south, winters are not as long and harsh. Therefore, it is sufficient to use 80 and 100 mm thick panels, respectively.

If the ambient temperature is maintained at +12 C, the thickness of the panels can be 80 mm (walls) and 100 mm (roof).

It should be added that the above values are valid for sandwich panels with mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

Thermal calculation of sandwich panels

The choice of sandwich panels should be entrusted to experienced builders. They can recommend not only the optimum type of panels, but also the thickness of the insulation. To determine the thickness of the insulation, a thermal calculation is performed. It takes into account the type of room, climate (GSOP – heating degree days) and heat transfer resistance for a particular type of panel. This determines the thickness of the material: 60, 80, 100, 150, 200 mm or more.